Starbucks Foundation Donates More than $3 Million to Global COVID-19 Relief Efforts
As part of ongoing efforts to support communities around the world amid the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, The Starbucks Foundation announced it is donating more than $3 million to support community response efforts globally.
“As the world grapples with an issue of enormous scale and human impact, we are dedicated to serving communities through the lens of Our Mission and Values: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time,” said John Kelly, Board Member of The Starbucks Foundation. “We believe that together we can make a difference and, together, we will overcome this unprecedented challenge.”
On a global scale, The Starbucks Foundation will contribute $1 million to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization (WHO), powered by the United Nations. The fund strengthens WHO’s efforts to track and understand the spread of the virus, help patients get the care they need and workers get essential supplies and information, and accelerates the development of vaccines, tests and treatments.
“Diseases don’t respect borders, and I am so grateful to The Starbucks Foundation, one of my home state’s great innovators, for helping fight this pandemic both locally and globally,” said Elizabeth Cousens, President and CEO of the UN Foundation. “This historic fund marks the first time everyone can help the World Health Organization’s lifesaving work supporting all countries to prevent, detect and respond to COVID-19, especially where needs are greatest.”
In China, where early signs of recovery from COVID-19 are showing, The Starbucks Foundation will contribute $1 million to Give2Asia to fund a project focused on supporting front-line medical workers, and strengthening grassroots capabilities to safeguard the future of local communities. The donation will help provide training to doctors in less developed areas on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus and other respiratory diseases; educate local communities on disease prevention; and offer free counseling to healthcare workers psychologically impacted by COVID-19.
The donation follows Starbucks China RMB 3 million donation to the China Red Cross Foundation. This donation was issued in the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak in China to help provide essential supplies and to protect and support the medical personnel working tirelessly at the front-line in Hubei province.
More information on the foundation’s donations can be found here.