Natural Grocers Marks Earth Day with $50,000 in Gift Cards to Local Food Banks
Natural Grocers is honoring Earth Day 2020 on April 22 by donating more than $50,000 in gift cards to local food banks to help ensure that families in need, including those who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, can have access to high-quality, healthy, nutrient-dense foods which are supportive to their immune systems and health.
From April 21 to May 31, Natural Grocers also invites the community to take or renew the #LadyBugLove pledge. Those who take the pledge commit to not using lawn and garden chemicals that harm ladybugs and other beneficial insects, which play a crucial role in the stability of the food supply and to support 100 percent organic produce. For every #LadyBugLove pledge signed, whether it’s a first-time signer or a renewed pledge from last year, Natural Grocers will donate $1, up to a total donation of $25,000 in gift cards, to local food banks.
“Earth Day has always been a meaningful day for Natural Grocers,” said Natural Grocers’ Co-President Kemper Isely. “Typically, we would have a large celebration for our communities, but right now protecting our good4uSM Crew and customers is of the utmost importance. We know our communities have been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis, so this year we are honoring Earth Day by providing healthy essentials to those in need through donations to local food banks. Now more than ever, grocery stores play a pivotal role in the food chain, a system that is essential to our health and wellbeing. Natural Grocers is proud to support our communities during this crucial time.”
Natural Grocers has a long history of supporting sustainable food sourcing, requiring its farmers, producers and vendors, including its Natural Grocers Brand Products producers, to meet rigorous regenerative and sustainable standards.
As an early pioneer in the elimination of single-use plastic bags from checkout lanes, Natural Grocers stopped offering plastic bags in 2009 and began donating 5 cents to local food banks every time a customer shops with a reusable bag. To date, Natural Grocers has prevented an estimated 360 million bags from ending up in landfills and has donated more than $1.3 million to local food banks, which has provided more than 4 million meals to those in need.
In 2020, Natural Grocers eliminated single-use plastic bags in its 100 percent organic produce department. Customers can now choose from compostable BioBags or paper bags made from 100 percent recycled paper, which are both recyclable and compostable, for their organic produce.
During the coronavirus pandemic, customers may continue to bring in reusable bags when they shop at Natural Grocers. Protective measures have been put in place to reduce human-to-human contact and maintain a sanitary environment, including asking customers to bag their own groceries and cleaning cashier stands anytime a customer places personal property on the stand, whether it be a reusable bag, a purse, a lunch box, or a wallet.