July 21, 2020

Postharvest Leader’s Website Redesign to Provide More Resources, Increase Customer Service and Promote Sustainable Solutions

Pace International, a leading provider of sustainable postharvest solutions and technologies for the fresh produce industry, is proud to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website. The new portal debuts a host of fresh changes, including access to more dynamic content about Pace’s postharvest solutions, interactive tools to assist in selecting products and services for packing lines and storage and streamlined functionality for quick access to information on Pace’s vast products, services and technologies.

To illustrate the company’s long-standing focus on developing and implementing sustainable practices and solutions, Pace introduces “A Sustainable World of Plenty”. In this section, Pace shares its continued commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and, specifically, its pledge to further reduce postharvest food losses and waste from harvest to consumer’s table.

“Pace will continue investing and partnering to develop novel technologies that protect the quality, freshness and nutritional value of our customer’s perishable products and do it in ways that further improve packing efficiencies, rationalize use of resources and minimize the impact on the environment. That is Pace’s approach to create A Sustainable World of Plenty,” said Jorge Gotuzzo, Senior Director of Marketing.

“Our new website is a gateway for our customers to access information and digital technologies that support their packing and storage operations and allow them to engage in new ways with Pace. More details on these tools will be announced later this year,” said Gotuzzo. “At Pace, our focus on customer service is 24/7, and the new web portal reflects this service mindset we have across all our teams. Our goal is to ensure that current and future customers can interact with Pace in more ways and get the information they want, when and where they need it.”

“Customers will love the new products and crop sections. We have ramped up the information in these sections and created a unique feature called the virtual packing house for apples, citrus, stone fruit and cherries, with more to come later. Visitors can tour a packing line to see and learn where Pace’s sustainable solutions are used along the line, and how they help protect the shelf life of those crops under different use scenarios. We are successful when we help our customers maintain the freshness and quality of their crops from time of harvest until the consumer is ready to enjoy them,” said Gotuzzo.

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