Healthy YOU Vending Aims to Combat Childhood Obesity
Healthy YOU Vending marks National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month this year by offering equipment especially suited for healthy vending in schools and elsewhere. The observance first began in 2010.
To help offset a troubling historical trend of unhealthy snacking in schools, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) set standards for snacks and drinks sold during school hours. Established in 2014, Smart Snacks in School aims to ensure kids have access to healthier options than the confectionaries, fat-filled baked goods, sugary drinks or greasy potato chips common in school vending machines before the standard took effect. To meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, snack foods sold during school hours are required to have:
- Less than 200 calories
- Less than 35 percent of sugar
- Less than 200 mg of sodium
- Zero grams of trans fat
- Nutritional value instead of “empty calories”
Healthy YOU Vending helps provide snacks and drinks in school vending machines that meet or exceed the Smart Snacks in School standards.
With corporate offices in Kaysville, UT, the Healthy YOU Vending team is dedicated to making healthier snacks, drinks and food products more accessible to people across North America. All company vending equipment is privately manufactured in the United States at a state-of-the-art facility. Owner/Operator opportunities for serious-minded and health-conscious entrepreneurs are currently available in most states.