Canadian Students Build Site to Help Consumers Check Grocery Stores Crowds in Real Time
A group of students from Vancouver, BC, has developed GroceryCheck, a website that displays real-time customer volume at grocery stores to assist consumers in determining how best to complete their shopping errands while maintaining social distancing.
The site currently covers several Canadian territories and major US cities including New York City, Seattle, Las Vegas, the entire Silicon Valley and Liverpool, UK.
With support from automated data collection services provider Luminati, the site shows users real-time data about how crowded local grocery stores are, along with weekly crowd averages to aid effective social distancing. Luminati uses its automated data collection platform to source publicly available data from all across the web, so it’s able to provide live information on the location and the customer density of grocery stores. The company adheres to a strict ethical code of conduct for users, ensuring that all of the data collected is used in an ethical and transparent manner. Luminati is providing GrocerCheck with this data as part of their pro-bono initiatives during Covid-19.