Plexus Worldwide Reaches $500k Goal with Feeding America
Plexus Worldwide (Plexus®), a leading direct-selling health and wellness company, is thrilled to announce they reached the $500K contribution goal through their partnership with Feeding America by the end of 2020. Impressively, the goal was reached six months early.
Since the inception of the partnership with Feeding America®, Plexus has helped raised more than 1.7 million dollars equaling more than 17 million meals donated under the Plexus Charities and Nourish One® Program. Plexus is committing 10 percent of its donations to Feeding America to be allocated to St. Mary’s Food Bank in Phoenix, AZ. This is significant for Plexus because St. Mary’s is the world’s first food bank and is where Plexus employees often volunteer their time and talent.
For each serving of Plexus Lean™ sold, Plexus helps provide a meal to someone in need; this equals 14 meals for every unit of Lean. This recent achievement celebrates an incredible milestone for the partnership and the shared goal to help end food insecurity in the United States.
“We are proud to reach this accomplishment of reaching another exciting benchmark with Feeding America,” says Tarl Robinson, CEO and Founder of Plexus. “This is more than a partnership; it’s a shared mission to work towards the day when no one goes hungry.”
The first-year goal of donating 2.5 million meals was far exceeded as we reached 10 million meals. Plexus renewed its commitment to Feeding America at the Mission Partner level and are honored to be among an elite group. Feeding America Mission Partners are organizations whose aggregate contributions that exceed $500,000 to 5 million pounds or more of donated food and grocery products or a combination of the two. At the Mission Partner level, Plexus joined the ranks of other Feeding America partners like Del Monte, Omni Hotels & Resorts, Post and PetSmart Charities, in helping to end food insecurity in the United States.
“It’s an incredible feeling to see the positive influence our Nourish One program and sales of Plexus Lean have had as a Mission Partner with Feeding America,” added Christopher Pair, President of Operations and International for Plexus. “This initiative hits close to home, having personally experienced food insecurity growing up. It’s an honor to be in a position to give back and provide for others within communities across the country.”
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