November 24, 2021

Food Tank CEO Danielle Nierenberg Moderates Discussion of Food Waste Solution and Private Sector’s Role in Combating Climate Change

Each year approximately 40 percent of the food grown in this country is thrown away. Much of that goes to landfills where it emits methane gas, making it one of the largest contributors to climate change. Justin and Matt Kamine have now created the first large scale solution to fighting food waste and bringing to market for consumers through a new climate forward CPG company Do Good Foods.

Do Good Foods is a closed loop system that takes nutritious supermarket surplus such as fruits, vegetable and meat – and upcycles them into high-quality animal feed — the next best use of food after human consumption, according to the EPA.

The animal feed is then integrated into animals’ diets and in January 2022 the company will roll out the first-ever carbon reduced chicken.

Be among the first to learn more about the environmental and economic impact of the scalability of Do Good Foods and the importance of consumer participation. The Live Virtual Roundtable will be moderated by Food Tank’s Danielle Nierenberg will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. EST.


  • Tom Colicchio, Award Winning Chef
  • Sam Kass, President Obama’s former chef and nutrition policy advisor
  • Ann Veneman, Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
  • Justin and Matt Kamine, Do Good Foods Co-Founders/Co-CEOs

Roundtable Facilitator: Danielle Nierenberg, Co-Founder of Food Tank, a nonprofit organization focused on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters. Food Tank is a global convener, research organization and non-biased creator of original research impacting the food system.

Securely register for the Virtual Roundtable on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. EST at this link.

Discussion topics include: 

  • Do Good Food’s upcycling process which has the capacity to convert 160 tons of surplus food a day into animal feed, which is approximately 60,000 tons each year
  • The impact of having a scalable solution to food waste
  • How consumers make an impact with the first carbon-reduced chicken
  • A real-time Q&A session following the discussion

Securely register for the Virtual Roundtable at this link.

Do Good Foods, backed by a $169M investment asset manager Nuveen, is the first scalable solution to eliminating the 48 billion pounds of food waste generated by grocery stores each year. This climate forward food company aims to have a significant environmental, agricultural and economic impact by integrating into consumers’ daily lives at scale.

Press materials and additional information can be pulled from the following link.

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