Albertsons Installing Plexiglass at Checkout Stands
As an added precaution during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, Albertsons Companies is installing Plexiglas in its checkout lanes as a protective barrier between customers and checkers.
The Plexiglas “sneeze guards” will be installed in the company’s 2,200-plus stores during the next two weeks, with many locations being complete in the next several days.
“We recognize that we provide an essential service to our communities,” said Vivek Sankaran, President and CEO. “We are doing everything we can to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable shopping space for our valued customers. This is an extra step to protect our associates who are in constant contact with the public and provide our customers with extra reassurance as well.”
In addition to the installation of Plexiglas, the stores have taken a number of precautions, including:
- Pausing self-service operations like soup bars, wing bars and salad bars.
- Enhancing measures to clean and disinfect all departments, restrooms and other high-touch points of the store throughout the day, as well as a deep cleanse at the end of each business day. Cart wipes and hand sanitizer stations continue to be available at key locations within the store for customers’ convenience.
- Asking associates to follow CDC guidelines, wash hands frequently and stay home if they feel sick.
- Reserving special times for seniors and other vulnerable shoppers who must leave home to obtain their groceries, unless otherwise locally mandated. The company is asking non-seniors and non-at-risk shoppers to avoid shopping at these times.