September 15, 2020

AYO Almondmilk Yogurt Now at Select SoCal Natural Food Stores

AYO Almondmilk Yogurt is a naturally vegan, dairy-free snack that is now in the refrigerator case of select Ralph’s, Bristol Farms, Lassens and many independent natural foods stores throughout Southern California.

From farm to spoon, AYO Almondmilk Yogurt starts with sun-grown, certified organic almonds nurtured in the Billings family orchards in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Continuing a 100-year farming legacy, Matt Billings and his team prioritize sustainability, traceability and vertical integration as they manage every step of the cultivation and production process.

Each 5.3-ounce cup of AYO Almondmilk Yogurt brims with 4g of protein and the distinctive, lightly-toasted taste of 20 certified organic almonds. The flavors are made with organic vanilla, organic blueberries, organic strawberries and organic peaches to tantalize tastebuds with a rich, creamy texture and only 9g of added sugar.


Each creamy, fiber-rich serving features just 150-160 calories and overflows with orchard-grown almond flavor, characteristic of the careful attention to quality and environmental impact. Find AYO Almondmilk Yogurt at select Ralph’s, Bristol Farms, Lassens and independent natural foods stores. Visit to find a store near you.

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