January 25, 2022

Ferrara Launches Contest to Guess Fun Dip Mystery Flavor

Ferrara, the No. 1 producer of the famed seasonal staple BRACH’S® Conversation Hearts, is changing up the Mystery Flavor of its Fun Dip® candy ahead of Valentine’s Day.

Starting at 9 a.m. ET on Tuesday, January 25, and running through 11:59 p.m. ET on February 14, candy fans can enter the “Solve the Fun Dip Mystery Flavor” sweepstakes at SolveTheFunDipMystery.com and submit guesses for the mystery flavor. One lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a $5,000 check to fuel an epic adventure with a special Valentine. The flavor will be revealed on February 15.

From Fun Dip Lik-M-Aid Valentine’s Day treat packs to BRACH’S seasonal staple, Conversation Hearts, Ferrara has sweets fans covered over the weeks ahead.

“To celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, we’re thrilled to announce the first-ever flavor change to our iconic Fun Dip Mystery Flavor,” said Chad Womack, Marketing Director of Seasonal Confections at Ferrara. “And while candy lovers take their best guess at what the flavor will be, they can also enjoy our fan-favorite seasonal treats like BRACH’S Tiny Conversation Hearts and classic Fun Dip to share with the special ones in their lives along the way.”

Ferrara’s seasonal sweets are available now in grocery stores, drug stores and mass-market retailers and e-commerce platforms nationwide. Candy fans can find the Fun Dip Mystery Flavor by visiting our Store Locator, learn more about our other Fun Dip offerings at FerraraCandyShop.com and on social (FacebookTwitter) or find out how to get their hands on the classic BRACH’S Conversation Hearts by clicking here and on social (InstagramFacebookTwitter).



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