Frieda’s Brings Stokes Purple Sweet Potatoes to Market in Time for Holidays
Stokes Purple sweet potatoes from Frieda’s are back in season.
Retailers carrying Frieda’s exclusive Stokes Purple sweet potatoes are seeing as much as 20 percent increases in weekly dollar same-store sales on this item vs. prior years’ sales, according to Nielson data.
The nation’s focus on functional foods is peaking now. According to the Mayo Clinic, functional foods are nutrient-dense items that promote optimal health while reducing the risk of disease. Examples include items like oatmeal, nuts, berries and purple sweet potatoes. The Hartman Group research firm is predicting that functional foods will hit a high this year as Covid-concerned, health-oriented shoppers look to empower themselves and power up their diets with antioxidants.
Frieda’s suggests creating superfood displays that combine items like Stokes Purple sweet potatoes, fresh turmeric, ginger root and citrus. Tout the nutrition benefits of these fruits and vegetables and turn your produce department into a fresh, functional foods destination.
“Stokes are in high demand this year as we anticipate that holiday cooking will have a functional spin,” says Alex Berkley, Frieda’s director of sales. “Stokes Purple sweet potatoes are ideal to promote for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and our display shipper is a great way to showcase them and add incremental shelf space. We recommend using signage to suggest that shoppers create healthy holiday favorites like Stokes Purple sweet potato pie.”
Organic and conventional Stokes Purple sweet potatoes are available now through May in 15-lb. and 40-lb. cartons. Every potato is labeled to reduce front-end checker error. An organic 12/3-lb. bag option is also available.