Hy-Vee Installs Additional Panels and One-Way Directional Signage, Suggests One Person Per Cart
Recently, Hy-Vee announced additional changes to its operations to help protect its employees and customers in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
During the upcoming days, all Hy-Vee stores will install additional temporary window panels on the back side of checkouts to help provide an additional layer of protection for both cashiers and customers. The panels are in addition to the panels already positioned on the front side of checkouts.
Hy-Vee is also placing new, one-way directional signage in its aisles that will be installed in all stores. The signage will direct customers to utilize aisles in a way that prevents them from passing each other to maintain 6 feet of social distancing throughout the store.
Customers shopping at Hy-Vee locations will be strongly encouraged to follow a ‘one person per cart’ rule to avoid multiple family members from accompanying a customer on shopping visits. Hy-Vee is asking that customers try to designate one-person pet family to visit the store during each visit and to avoid shopping in large groups to limit the number of people in stores at any given time.
“We continue to implement additional ways to adapt that Hy-Vee, so that we can serve our customers and protect the health and wellness of those who work and shop in our stores,” said Randy Edeker, Hy-Vee’s Chairman, CEO and President.