Maintaining the California Avocado Quality Chain from Grove to Plate
High standards for quality and consistency make Fresh California Avocados the reliable choice for foodservice. It starts with California’s terroir that’s uniquely suited for avocado trees to thrive: rich soil that drains easily, lots of sunshine and cool ocean air. In the groves, California Avocado growers work year-round to ensure their fruit meets exacting quality standards.
In addition, careful pre-conditioning by California Avocado packers helps assure menu readiness and allows operators ordering flexibility. As California’s avocado season reaches its peak, Jan DeLyser, VP of Marketing for the California Avocado Commission (CAC) reminds operators that, “California growers carefully nurture every Fresh California Avocado, so that dishes featuring their rich nutty flavor, smooth texture and beautiful color deliver maximum enjoyment on summer menus!”
Celebrate summer’s bounty of California Avocados with our version of an American classic, the California Avocado Beefsteak Tomato Sandwich. Recent consumer research conducted by Menu Matters confirms that menu items branded as California drive positive perceptions of freshness and quality of ingredients. To help operators maintain the quality chain, the California Avocado Commission provides operators with tips and techniques to spec the right ripeness level, understand different cutting techniques and learn three ways to prep avocados for speed of service. For recipes and resources, click here.