Mondelez International Looking into Acquiring Hershey Co.
Mondelez International is interested in acquiring reputable chocolate maker, Hershey Co., according to media reports.
While talks of an acquisition are in the early stages, it is likely to create waves within the industry as the potential acquisition deal is agreed upon, the joining of both companies would create one of the largest confectioners.
According to Bloomberg News, “Deliberations are in the early stages and there’s no certainty that discussions will lead to a deal,” an anonymous spokesperson told the news source. “A representative for Hershey Co. said the company does not comment on market rumors.”
Mondelez International was officially founded in 2012 and is based out of Chicago. The company is home to several well-known brands including Oreo, Ritz, Clif Bar and Tate’s Bake Shop. Mondelez is already one of the largest snack companies on a global scale with nearly $36 billion in revenue just last year.
The Hershey Chocolate Company started in 1894 and sold its first candy bar by 1900. While the company’s iconic chocolate bar has been around for nearly 125 years, the company also has several other well-known brands under its umbrella such as Reese’s, Kit-Kat, Twizzlers, Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels and Skinny Pop to name a few. Hershey Co. has been reported to be worth approximately $45 billion.