NONA Vegan Nears Investment Round Closing on FrontFundr
NONA Vegan Foods has until Feb. 8, 2023 to reach their minimum funding goal of $150K on FrontFundr and is nearly 70 percent of the way there already. The company has lowered the minimum amount that investors can contribute to $100 in order to “invite even more people to join NONA in our next phase of growth,” CEO Kailey Gilchrist said.
“This journey with crowd-sourced equity fundraising has been interesting,” she continued. “It has required a lot of education around the FrontFundr platform and investing in general.”
Gilchrist has a series of FAQ response videos that have been gaining positive traction on social media.
As long as NONA achieves the $150K minimum goal, they can extend their campaign to carry on to reach their overall goal of $300K.