Purell Products Prioritized for Hospitals, First Responders as Company Ramps up Production for all Markets
GOJO Industries, the manufacturer that makes the long-sought after Purell cleaning and sanitizing products, is extending its focus on priority markets including hospitals, first responders and critical infrastructure providers, including grocery stores and military, as most hospitals are expecting their largest influx of patients during the next 30 to 60 days.
The manufacturer has been prioritizing shipping Purell products these markets since the onset of the pandemic, following the direction of government officials.
Hospitals across the country are in various phases of the pandemic, with many hospitals in the hardest hit areas of the country already reporting hand sanitizer usage of 3 to 4 times normal levels. In light of this, GOJO is extending its focus on priority markets to ensure enough Purell hand sanitizer, soap and surface disinfectant is available to front line workers during the height of the crisis.
GOJO is not only responding to the immediate crisis, but is also continuing to add substantially more production capacity so that Purell products will be available on store shelves and also in public spaces like office buildings, airports, restaurants and schools – to help people go ‘back to work’ and ‘back to life’ with confidence.