Stop & Shop to Eliminate Single-Use Plastic Bags in Connecticut
Stop & Shop announced the elimination of single-use plastic bags at checkout from all store locations in the state of Connecticut beginning this month.
To assist consumers in the transition from single-use plastic bags to getting in the habit of using reusable, Stop & Shop will give a free reusable bag to all consumers who bring in one or more single-use plastic bags. The store will recycle the returned bags and offer the reusable bag in exchange while supplies last. In addition, Stop & Shop will offer paper bags for free during the month of August at all stores where local laws permit until the beginning of September.
“We know that the environmental impact of plastic is something our consumers and communities care about here in Connecticut, so we’re eliminating single-use plastic bags well ahead of the state mandated timeline. We are also placing a 10-cent fee on paper bags to encourage our consumers to make the switch to reusable,” said Rudy DiPietro, SVP of Operations. “We also appreciate the fact that it’s going to take our consumers time to make this adjustment, so we’re waiving the fee on paper throughout the month of August at most stores, offering reusable bag giveaways and doing everything we can to help make the transition an easy one.”
The plastic bags collected will be recycled into composite wood, which is used for things such as decking, park benches and playground equipment. Local stores also offer a variety of reusable bags for purchase including Stop & Shop Community Bags, which make it easy for shoppers to give back to the community. With each $2.50 purchase of a reusable bag, $1 will be donated to a Connecticut non-profit of the consumer’s choice.
According to officials, Stop & Shop is committed to reducing their environmental footprint and recycled more than 360 million pounds of material including plastics and cardboard in 2018—keeping 74 percent of the company’s waste from going into landfills.