Candyverse Brands Expands Retail Footprint with Canada’s Largest Grocery Retailer
Candyverse Brands has continued the expansion of its Better Bears brand within Canada’s largest grocery retailer. Better Bears are now available for the first time in 449 grocery locations across several Canadian provinces. Additionally, Better Bears products are available through this retailer’s large online shopping and loyalty platform.
The company continues to accelerate retailer acceptance of its Better Bears Mixed Berry, Tropical Citrus and Variety Pack products across Canada. This latest milestone pushes the number of stores to nearly 1,000 retail locations across Canada. The company is on track to be merchandised in more than 1,350 retail locations in Canada by June of 2022.
Jeff O’Neill, President, said, “As more try our Better Bears products, we continue to strategically expand our network of retailers across the country and our partnership with Canada’s largest grocery chain, provides us with a key national presence. We also look forward to beginning expanding into key US market locations now that we have the Canadian channel working for our customers.”