Dove Chocolate’s ‘State of Mom’ Survey Shines Light on Moms’ Resiliency
Navigating a global pandemic and new ways of life has made this year a challenging one for all. That especially rings true for the many moms who have had to adapt to new realities and roles in their children’s lives, while still keeping up with other everyday demands. To lean in, listen and check in on America’s moms, DOVE Chocolate commissioned a national survey of more than 1,000 US adults to uncover the myriad of emotions moms have experienced since early this year. While results do confirm that a majority of moms are stressed out, the data also shows that moms are discovering their resiliency and what they value most in life.
As a brand that supports women, DOVE Chocolate wants to amplify moms’ voices, especially now. By leveraging survey insights provided by Maru/Blue, DOVE Chocolate hopes to shine a light on the challenges moms face and the surprisingly positive impacts and wisdom gained. While women who took the survey came from diverse backgrounds, spanning a range of ages, incomes and geographies across the US, the responses indicate that moms have a lot in common.
“Feeling understood is empowering, and we want moms to know they’re not in this by themselves,” said Leslie Philipsen, Brand Director, DOVE Chocolate. “With findings from this survey, DOVE Chocolate hopes to provide insights that all moms can relate to and, ultimately, help them feel seen, validated and less alone.”
Since earlier this year, many moms have had to help take on the role as both parent and educator for their children. It’s no surprise nearly 3 out of 4 moms reported feeling anxious during the stay-at-home orders that began in March, and nearly 70 percent of those surveyed agreed they experienced burnout. With the new school year kicking off, many parents continue to face difficult decisions regarding their children, such as whether in-school or remote learning is best.
Additionally, nearly 40 percent of moms report feeling anxious about the future. When asked what they learned about themselves during this time, however, the most common response was about being resilient, adaptable and able to handle anything. This resiliency is something all moms will carry with them in the future, equipping them to face future challenges.
Overwhelmingly, a lack of connection with other people during stay-at-home orders had a negative impact on moms.
“If you’ve struggled with feeling disconnected to others during this time, please know that the data shows you are not alone,” said Philipsen. “According to our results, nearly 70 percent of moms agreed they’ve experienced feelings of isolation. It’s a good reminder that the simplest acts to facilitate connection from afar, like catching up over the phone or sending a handwritten note, can really mean a lot to those special moms in our lives.”
All moms ranked navigating their “new normal” – whether it be homeschooling, reduced “me-time” due to managing more people at home or transitioning to working remotely – as an additional stressor.
When asked about the most positive impact from stay-at-home orders, the universal answer was having more quality time with children. Moms who do not work outside the home also benefited from having their partner at home, ranking “more quality time with your partner” highly.
For moms who shifted to working from the “home office” during the pandemic, the “flexibility that comes with working from home” ranked as a top advantage. This flexibility allowed working moms to experience newfound time, milestones and moments with their family. In fact, 84 percent of working-from-home moms strongly agreed that they grew more emotionally connected with family during stay-at-home orders. In fact, moms did not feel as negatively impacted by an “absence of childcare,” according to the data.
While moms experienced a lack of connection with others, 65 percent agreed that they discovered or returned to interests, passions and hobbies during stay-at-home orders. Moms found more time for activities such as reading, self-care and being physically active.
When asked about lessons they will take into the future, “taking better care of myself” and “making more time for me” were common responses. As one mom noted, “I learned that I really need to focus on myself and my needs above anything else. When I am not fulfilling my basic needs, I cannot be the best version of me for my family, and they deserve me at my best.”