Fancy Food Show 2021 Moves to September
After an extensive evaluation, the Specialty Food Association (SFA) has announced its Summer Fancy Food Show will move to Sept. 27-29, 2021. The show venue will remain the same and will still be held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.
After surveying buyers and consulting with SFA members, New York City and State officials, The Javits Center and health experts to gauge the safety and viability of moving forward with a live event, the association determined that a modified, late third-quarter Fancy Food Show has the best chance of success in a safe environment.
Given the pandemic restrictions in place since March 2020, this will be the sole Fancy Food Show of the year. For this year only, the association will modify the event name—Fancy Food Show 2021. The association currently anticipates a return to its Winter and Summer Show schedule for 2022.
The SFA expects to have more details soon for exhibiting and registering to attend the show.