Killer Creamery Closes Successful Round of Oversubscribed Series Seed Funding
Killer Creamery, an all-natural keto ice cream brand, announces the closing of a lucrative round of Series Seed funding which cements the start-up’s upward trajectory in the growing billion dollar keto and low-carb industry. With the latest support from notable CPG investors and operators, Killery Creamery is poised to expand its product line and its distribution channels in 2021.
Available in 2,700+ retailers across the US and online, Killer Creamery is unique to the keto dessert category for the quality and nutritional value of its ingredients, the texture and taste of its products and its philanthropic mission.
The unique recipe features C8 MCT oil from coconuts, which supports cognitive health and weight management and a keto-approved blend of natural sweeteners. The company also incorporates a prebiotic fiber which aids with insulin sensitivity and offers anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular system health benefits. The recipe is crafted into eight delicious flavors including Caramels Back, Peanut Blubber, Jam Session, No Judge Mint, Chip Chip Hooray, Brownie Points, Whale Trails and Chilla In Vanilla.
This fall, Killer Creamery debuted its new and improved creamier recipe, with still only 2-3 net carbs and zero sugar added, which is being rolled out into all retail partners and on Amazon. The smooth, velvety texture exceeds that of other keto brand ice creams on the market and customers will appreciate that it’s scoopable right out of the freezer.
Founder and CEO Louis Armstrong said: “I founded this company on product innovation, specifically marrying the indulgent taste and texture of traditional ice cream in a product that truly is great for you. Having the caliber of investors behind us gives me even more conviction that we’re innovating in the right direction.” Armstrong launched Killer Creamery in 2016. He attended the University of Idaho where he studied Food Science.