Lidl Offers $200 in Extra Pay to Encourage Employees to Get Vaccine
As states make Covid-19 vaccines more widely available, Lidl US today announced a new initiative to encourage its employees to get the vaccine. Lidl is providing $200 in extra pay to all Lidl US employees who choose to receive the vaccine. The additional payment will help offset the costs associated with vaccine administration, including travel costs and childcare. The company will also accommodate employee schedules for vaccine appointments.
This initiative builds on Lidl’s ongoing effort to protect the health of its employees. Last January, Lidl began to offer comprehensive medical coverage to all full and part-time employees, regardless of the number of hours they work per week. In March, Lidl developed a first-in-the-industry program with CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield to give all its employees access to comprehensive Covid-19 medical coverage at no cost.
“We are proud to provide our employees the resources they need to receive the Covid-19 vaccine free of any obstacles,” said Johannes Fieber, CEO of Lidl US. “From the outset of the pandemic, we have worked hard to put the health and safety of our employees first. From offering free Covid-19 healthcare to our entire workforce, to installing hospital-grade air filtration in our stores and warehouses to assure cleaner and healthier air, Lidl has made it a priority to adapt our policies to work better for our people during this pandemic. We are proud to do so again today to ensure that every team member who wants to get vaccinated is able to do so as soon as possible.”
According to an internal survey, Lidl employees are eager to receive the vaccine. Nearly 8 in 10 of them plan to get the vaccine as soon as it became available. The company is providing employees with information about the availability of vaccines in their locality and continues to work with state and local officials to ensure workers are a priority for vaccine distribution.
For more information about the actions Lidl US is taking to address Covid-19, click here.