More than 175 Small Businesses Find Opportunity at Walmart’s First-Ever Virtual Open Call for US Manufactured Products
More than 800 small businesses from across the country pitched their U.S.-manufactured products yesterday during 30-minute, one-on-one meetings with Walmart and Sam’s Club merchants as part of the company’s first-ever virtual Open Call event. Approximately 56 percent of these businesses self-report as diverse, and more than 175 received a “yes,” advancing them to the next stage in the process to land on store and club shelves. In addition to Walmart stores and Sam’s Clubs, the scope of opportunity available to participants includes, Walmart Marketplace and All participating businesses producing shelf-stable products were invited to sell their products on Walmart’s various online platforms.
“No other retailer provides small businesses with as many channels and avenues to success, and we’re thrilled with their response to Walmart’s first-ever virtual Open Call event,” Laura Phillips, Walmart senior vice president for global sourcing and U.S. manufacturing, said. “It’s truly inspiring to see the strong entrepreneurial spirit of this year’s participants. Despite the challenges small businesses have faced this year, they’ve brought incredible energy, innovation and ingenuity to their product pitch meetings, and we are excited about what this means for our customers, our communities and our commitment to source an additional $250 billion in U.S. manufactured products support American jobs.”
For more information, visit the company’s official press release.