Nearly 300 Nonprofit Organizations Receive Food Lion Feeds Grant to Support Hunger Relief
The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation has distributed more than $775,000 in grants to 294 nonprofit organizations across the omnichannel retailer’s 10-state footprint. The grants support the local organizations’ efforts to combat food insecurity and provide nutritional education to their communities and represent an 83 percent increase in the number of grants issued in the previous grant cycle in the fall. As part of the total distribution, Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation donated $165,000 to Feeding America® to support child hunger programs. Organizations awarded grants can be found online.
“We are proud to support our community partners, who are seeing an increase in the number of neighbors needing food assistance,” said Adam Bass, president, Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation. “For our neighbors, some basic necessities are overwhelming, and these agencies are doing everything they can to serve a critical need for hundreds of hungry communities. Through the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation, we are grateful to partner with our nonprofit organizations who continue to make a difference in the towns and cities we serve.”
The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization operated by a volunteer board of directors comprised of Food Lion associates from different areas of the company. The Foundation focuses on fighting child hunger, helping partner organizations increase their “fresh” capacity so families can put nutritious meals on their tables and providing nutrition education to support the health and wellness of Food Lion’s neighbors.
Since its inception in 2001, the Foundation has donated more than $16 million across Food Lion’s 10-state operating area. It has contributed significantly toward Food Lion Feeds providing more than 970 million meals to individuals and families since 2014 through a combination of product, financial and equipment donations; disaster relief and recovery efforts; volunteer hours by associates; in-store retail campaigns; and the company’s pioneering food rescue program.
Nonprofit organizations are eligible for grants if they are affiliated with Feeding America or the United Way. The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation holds two grant cycles each year. The grant application deadline for fall is Sept. 15, 2022 and is found online. Organizations are eligible to apply for grants every 12 months.
To learn more about Food Lion Feed’s commitment to fight food insecurity across the towns and cities it serves, click here.