Stumptown Coffee Roasters Unveils Holiday Trio Box Set
Stumptown Coffee Roasters will release a Holiday Trio box set featuring three bags of whole bean coffee, including perennial wintertime blend, Evergreen, along with its two single-origin coffee components, Honduras El Puente and Ethiopia Duromina. Not only is the packaging designed for holiday gifting, all three coffees were selected to pair perfectly with holiday brunch, dinner and dessert.
“Evergreen is an annual celebration of our strongest producer relationships and has such a devoted following that we sell out every year when it becomes available,” said Shauna Alexander, VP, Coffee and Sustainability. “The Trio offers a unique way to taste our Evergreen blend, as well as its components: two exceptionally high quality coffees from long-standing producers in Honduras and Ethiopia.”
Stumptown’s Evergreen (a blend of El Puente and Duromina) is known for its flavor profile of clean citrus, creamy chocolate and vanilla sweetness and reflects its Pacific Northwest origins with a rich and satisfying roast.
The Trio also includes 12-oz bags of each of the single-origin coffees that make up Evergreen blend, Honduras El Puente and Ethiopia Duromina, so coffee lovers can explore the flavors of each on their own. El Puente hails from the renowned growing region of Marcala, Honduras, where husband and wife team Moisés Herrera and Marysabel Caballero oversee production to ensure a lush, juicy cup combining sweet plum and golden raisin with an elegant floral finish. Duromina comes from the Jimma region of southwestern Ethiopia, where members of the Duromina Cooperative cultivate coffee in small plots near their homes, taking care at every step in the process to produce a complex cup layered with notes of juicy peach, candied grapefruit and black tea.
Since its founding in Portland, OR in 1999, Stumptown Coffee Roasters has been known for its care in the roasting and preparation of its specialty coffee, as well as its ethical, social and sustainable purchasing practices. One of the first coffee roasters to form direct trade relationships with its producing partners in 2002, Stumptown follows three principles for sourcing: pay higher prices tied to quality, work with producers known for transparency in the supply chain and maintain long-term relationships to build truly collaborative partnerships.
Two year-round gift sets (also available for the holidays) offer an introduction to Stumptown Coffee Roasters’ iconic blends and signature style, as well as a tour of coffee producers around the world:
- Stumptown Blend Trio: This box set includes Stumptown’s three original and most popular coffee blends: House Blend, Hair Bender and Holler Mountain for $42.00.
- Passport Trio: Featuring coffees resulting from Stumptown’s direct trade relationships with producers in Latin America, Indonesia and Africa, this Trio includes Guatemala El Injerto Bourbon, Indonesia Bies Penantan and Rwanda Huye Mountain blends and is priced at $48.00.
The Holiday Trio includes three 12-oz bags of whole bean coffee and will be available for $55.00 at select retail and grocery stores, Stumptown Cafes in Portland, New York and Los Angeles and online in limited quantities starting November 1. The Holiday Trio is shipped in a festive pre-printed box, so no additional gift-wrap is necessary. Online orders can be shipped within the continental US in approximately 3-5 days. Standard shipping rates apply.