Sweet Potato Warriors Unite to Celebrate Bako Sweet and Dreamworks Animation’s Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight
Bako Sweet is excited to announce its collaboration with DreamWorks Animation’s Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight, now streaming on Netflix. This collaboration brings together the deliciousness of Bako Sweet sweet potatoes with the popular characters from Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight, aiming to captivate shoppers and solidify Bako Sweet as a prominent staple in the fresh produce section.
As a result, shoppers will notice new vibrant character artwork on all of Bako Sweet’s three-pound and five-pound mesh bags this July through October in celebration of the popular series. In addition, a QR code will be printed on the bag that leads to Mr. Ping’s Sweet Potato Dumplings and the brand’s Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight Sweepstakes.
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight follows the adventures of Po who must partner with a no-nonsense English knight named Wandering Blade to recover a collection of four powerful weapons from a mysterious pair of weasels. The second season released earlier this year finds the warriors embark on a globe-trotting journey from India to Central America in their quest to find the magical weapons.
“We are thrilled to be working with DreamWorks Animation to bring this collaboration to life in a way that elevates the sweet potato category and encourages shoppers to use Bako Sweet in a fun new way,” said Alexandra Rae Molumby, director of marketing for Bako Sweet. “Thanks to the earned trust of the Bako Sweet brand with shoppers and the popularity of the Kung Fu Panda franchise, we have high expectations for this partnership.”
By utilizing the much-loved characters featured in the series on its packaging, Bako Sweet aims to further strengthen brand trust and drive shopper engagement, especially during the back-to-school season. Children will be eager to bring home Bako Sweet sweet potatoes with the package featuring their favorite heroes from Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight.
Bako Sweet is going the extra mile to support its collaboration with the series by also supporting it through social media promotions on Instagram, influencer partnerships with Jean Choi of What Great Grandma Ate and Kelsey Preciado of Little Bits of Real Food and its consumer sweepstakes which gives people the opportunity to win $5,000 and a year of sweet potatoes.
For more information, check out Bako Sweet or contact the sales team at sales@countrysweetproduce.com.