United Fresh Launches 117th Congress Meet and Greet Series
United Fresh welcomes the 117th Congress, sworn in on Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021 to Washington, D.C. This new congress, which includes 67 freshman members of the House and Senate, will drive the country’s legislative agenda for the next two years.
Throughout this past year, members of the House and Senate have met with the fresh produce industry virtually to learn of our priority issues and to understand the impact of our businesses in their communities.
United Fresh will host the “Fresh Faces of the 117th Congress Meet and Greet Series” throughout the next three months, hosting virtual meetings with new members of Congress. Meetings will be open to all United Fresh members, allowing companies to gain a broader understanding of the makeup of the 117th Congress, regardless of geographic location.
This series is exclusive for United Fresh members only. To learn more and to register to attend meetings as they’re confirmed, visit www.unitedfresh.org For questions, contact Angela Tiwari, Director of Grassroots & Political Action at atiwari@unitedfresh.org